Which Insurance plans do you accept?

Merrimack Valley Trauma Services of Massachusetts accepts Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP) and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts insurance plans. We do not accept straight MassHealth. We do not accept secondary insurance. Clients are responsible for all co-pays through their primary insurance provider.  

MBHP is currently supported by the following five MassHealth plans (as of 7/20/20):

MassHealth Primary Care Clinician (PCC) Plan
Community Care Cooperative Primary Care (ACO) Plan
Partners HealthCare Choice Primary Care (ACO) Plan
Steward Health Choice Primary Care (ACO) Plan
BeHealthy Partnership: Baystate Health Care Alliance with Health New English (ACO) Plan

Merrimack Valley Trauma Services of South Carolina accepts the following South Carolina Medicaid plans:
Healthy Connections Medicaid
Absolute Total Care
First Choice by Select Health
Molina Health Plan

*We are in the process of obtaining credentialing through BlueChoice Medicaid and Humana Medicaid health plans, as well.

Both offices also accept private pay.

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Do you Offer trauma evaluations?

Merrimack Valley Trauma Services provides trauma evaluations in South Carolina only. 

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What are MVTS’ COVID-19 safety precautions?

Merrimack Valley Trauma Services, in accordance with federal and state guidelines, has taken multiple steps to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in our offices. 

  1. All MVTS staff members have been fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus.
  2. We require that all clients and family members only keep their in-person appointments if they are symptom-free.
  3. If clients come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, we ask that they notify their therapist as soon as possible by phone, in order to protect MVTS staff and clients and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  4. In-person therapy appointments are scheduled with 15 minutes in between sessions to allow MVTS staff sufficient time to sanitize frequently touched objects and surfaces in the office, as well as to limit the amount of contact between clients.
  5. Clients and family members are encouraged to wait in their car(s) in the parking lot until their scheduled appointment time. Adult family members, who are not participating in the therapy session, are likewise encouraged to wait in their cars during the appointment.
  6. Clients and family members are asked to sanitize their hands each time they enter the office before the therapy session begins. 
  7. Pens, toys, therapeutic games, and other items that are commonly touched are sanitized after each use. 
  8. Common areas are disinfected at the end of each day.


Do your clinicians do home visits?

Treatment location is based on a number of factors, including current safety issues in the home, whether or not the trauma experienced happened in the home, the client’s insurance, and our clinicians’ availability. We minimally require that the first 2 sessions with a new client take place at our office so that we can carefully assess each client’s needs before determining the treatment location. Please speak with the intake coordinator when making a referral and inform them if you need home visits. We try our best to accommodate as many clients as possible. 

Will I be asked to participate in my child’s therapy?

We believe that children heal from trauma through their relationships with parents and caregivers. Parents and caregivers of MVTS child consumers are asked to actively participate in every aspect of their child’s treatment. This includes providing information about their child during the intake session and throughout the comprehensive assessment, and participating in the treatment planning process. Depending on the age of the child and the treatment goals established, parents/caregivers are asked to commit to bringing their child to sessions consistently, and participate in family sessions, consultation sessions with outside providers, as well as private meetings with their child’s therapist. Parents/caregivers are also asked to support their child’s therapy by helping he/she practice strategies (i.e., “homework”) in between therapy sessions, following through on parenting and discipline techniques, and working collaboratively with their child’s therapist to help meet their child’s therapy goals. Our clinicians are very committed to working with parents and caregivers as our partners, and we do our best to educate and support them throughout the entire therapy experience. Parents and caregivers often report that along with their child they, too, experience healing through their participation and commitment to their child’s treatment.   

Do You work with court-involved clients and families?

When a client is referred for mental health counseling, our staff provide assessment and counseling services for the purpose of treatment only. In their capacity as community therapists, they will not be available to conduct a forensic evaluation or trauma evaluation for clients (unless that is the service we are providing). Merrimack Valley Trauma Services will accept referrals from the Department of Children and Families (in Massachusetts), the Department of Social Services (in South Carolina), and the Department of Juvenile Justice (in South Carolina), with the understanding that our staff will not offer testimony or serve as expert witnesses in a trial or hearing on behalf of our clients, or provide an opinion to Child Protective Services staff, attorneys, or the court regarding child maltreatment, custody, visitation, foster care placement, or parental capacity. Due to the vital importance of safety, confidentiality, and trust within the therapeutic relationship, if a client’s case becomes court-involved after therapy has begun and the therapist believes that this involvement has the potential to compromise the therapeutic relationship and the treatment being provided, Merrimack Valley Trauma Services reserves the right to end services and discharge the client. All clients/caregivers are required to sign a Consent to Treatment that includes this policy.


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